
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

And now for something completely random and yet not completely random...

I've had to go back to the drawing board (or paint palette, as the case actually is) with some things, causing ample bummerage on my end. But I don't really want to talk about it. I'm mucking through it. I'll be back on top of it and moving forward again soon. One, two, cha-cha-cha.

So just for fun, I thought I'd post a poem I wrote in 1997. I dug this out last night while I was participating in a twitter party to win a download of the new Oasis documentary Supersonic. Oh yeah, remember in this post when I was talking about how I was a superfan of some band in the 90s that made me feel all Kandinskyish about their music but I didn't want to say who they were? It's coming back to haunt me now,* LOL. You got me.

I hadn't planned on playing the twitter game, I don't usually play twitter games... but gosh it was fun. And I won! Well, me and a few others. I don't usually win things so it was a minor thrill, haha.

Pretty sure one of the reasons I was among the winners is because, as I mentioned above, I dug out and tweeted a poem I wrote in 1997 - a poem inspired by the Definitely Maybe album cover and my feelings about the songs contained therein.

Dudes, I'm not a poet. I never have been. I've written approximately four** poems in my life (not counting the odd haiku or limericks), all of them in 1997, because I guess I managed to trip and fall into a poetry stream for a brief time then.

But I've always been fond of this little effort of mine. It's by no means perfect. In actual Poetryland, it might not even be considered good. It's certainly not the product of years of poetic study and craftsmanship. But I still like it, all these years later. So without further adieu, here it is:

Ugh, that's a terrible photo. Shame on me. Here it is in legible form:

Feet Planted Firmly Between the Ceiling and the Floor

Bend your knees backwards... ready? 

Pink Flamingos duck along the Mantle
Sipping Red Wine and Sugar Cane into their beaks. 

Beneath them the floor Gleams Waxily, 
But Don't Look Down because 
The bottom is far away and the Fall is Hard. 

As the Sphere Spins above them, 
They dread the day when it will Stop 
And they will have to get Back On 
While others are Getting Off. 

But for now the Anti-Gravity's Good 
because it's more Fun to Ride your Scooter 
Into the Sun when its light is Bursting through a Prism 
And your feet can't quite touch the ceiling.

The Sounds are pouring In and Out,
The Fierce Melody swooping up to 
Carry you Round the Room until 
Your Energy Peaks and Plateaus, 
And then puts you down again. 

Relaxed, your Breath Puffs out visible and 
Wisps Up in the Sky, and now it's Time for 
Another Snifter.

Man, Life is good on the Mantle.  

While this was inspired about a particular band and album, I'm pleased to say that I still feel this way about music in general, and some music more specifically.

 *Back in the day, I was basically such an unwavering Oasis fan that I ignored or blew off the things they said about other artists as just "talk". I was an unapologetic "Noelista", I admit. While their music will always have a place in my heart, I put my fandom for them away into a box up on a high shelf years ago. I do not support the awful things the notorious Gallagher brothers have said about other artists, whether I'm fans of those artists or not. It's just not cool. 

**I remember the other three poems clearly. They were inspired by: that time I lost my suitcase; my state of mind concerning my predisposition toward daydreaming and not accomplishing things in the physical world; and the movie Desperado, haha.

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