
Monday, September 5, 2016

You're entitled to your opinion...

 ...but if you say this to me, then you're Robin and I'm Batman, in my head, LOL.

Happy Labour Day! I just got back from camping with two of my favourite people in the world who, as it happens, don't share my love for the above mentioned album. So this meme did in fact happen in my head, haha. Not that they would get it, it's so "in-jokey" it only works on people who actually know the album. I'd have to explain, "That's the name of a song... oh, nevermind". Total meme fail.

Anyway, after a whole weekend without working on Lifesicle, I'm about to head upstairs to ye olde arte roome (adding "e"s to the end of words makes them posh and significant, I find) to get the thing moving forward again. I know I should let myself have the day off on account of the holiday and all of that, but, chomping at the bit, so.

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